
Don't just sit there helpless - go install a new Spigot !

This is a detailed guide on install and configuration of Spigot 1.8.7 on Linux ( Windows7 is similar )
with some basic plugins and permissions: Essentials, Worldedit, Dynmap and Residence.
If you follow this guide, it is a bullet-proof setup fully tested.

What you need on your computer before starting the installation is Java7 or above, and html editor.
I use Linux Mint with the Blue Fish editor, but other editors are just fine.
Only the first chapter is different on Windows, if this is your first server installation, there are lots of information and YouTube guides available for that part.

Hardware requirements: 3GHz processor and 4Gb of RAM ( 8Gb recommended on Windows )
You must have a reasonably fast internet connection, 50m-down / 10m-up load.

Port forwarding

Before others can access your server, you need to open the router for external access, below is a link to one of the best guides, but this can wait until later.

Port forwarding


Rather than building from scratch, you can easily "Google" Get Spigot, a .jar for this project.

1. Make a new directory folder for Spigot and place the downloaded jar ( 20.6Mb ) in the folder.
2. Rename the jar file or match the name in the textfile ( spigot.jar )
3. Open a text editor and type in the following text:

java -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -jar spigot.jar

4. Save the file in the Spigot folder and name it: Start.sh
5. Right-click and select: Properties > Permissions, then click X = Allow executing the file
6. Double-click (run) the new executable script ( Start.sh ) and select: Run in terminal

If everything was done correctly, you should now see the file "eula.txt" in the Spigot folder.
Now give the command: stop on the console ( it may already have stopped ) .

7. Open the file eula.txt and change eula=true and save the file.
8. Run the script again ( Start.sh )

You should now have the new Spigot server running happily with "Done" in the bottom line on terminal.

Server configuration

1. Stop the server from the console ( Type "stop" in the bottom line at the cursor and ENTER )
2. Open the file "server.properties" and make some changes.
a) player-idle-timeout=0 ( this will be configured in the Essentials config.yml file )
b) motd=Spigot server ( or what you might want the display name to be ).
There are a few things that you might consider here: flight, difficulty, gamemode etc.

3. If you want to have a server logo, make an icon picture 64x64p save in Spigot folder "server-icon.png"

When you open your Minecraft client you have to know the IP of the computer running the server.
Open a teminal and give command: ifconfig. ( ipconfig Windows ) The IP number can then be used to
define the "Multiplayer > Add server > Address"
Unless you have a very powerful computer with ample RAM, don't try to run the Minecraft client on the same computer as the server.

Download Plugins

Now download all the following plugins.


Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsChat, EssentialsAntibuild
Base essentials file: Essentials-2.x.SNAPSHOT.jar (1.011Mb)

Essentials Groupmanager

File: Essential-gm.zip
You have to unzip this file to get: EssentialsGroupManager.jar (121.1 Kb)


File: worldedit-bukkit-6.1.jar (1.5Mb)


File: dynmap-2.2-alpha-1.jar (3.9Mb)


File: residence.jar (1.7Mb)

Additional files for guides and commands:

Group manager commands

Residence guide

Install plugins

1. Stop the server from the console ( Type "stop" in the bottom line at the cursor and ENTER )

2. Copy each plugin file to the plugins folder of Spigot, one at a time, in the above order. Start / stop the server after installing each plugin to be able to easily identify any errors that might show up on the terminal ( you can also open the log files to inspect ).

3. Stop the server from the console

Download configuration files

These are the edited configuration files for Group Manager.




Rename the original files ( groups.yml > groupsORIGINAL.yml ) and then copy the downloaded files into their respective folders. Then you have those to compare in case something goes wrong.
1. globalgroups.yml in : Plugins > GroupManager folder
2. groups.yml in : Plugins > Groupmanager > worlds > world folder

The users.yml belong to the last folder, DO NOT copy it, just use it for reference if you want to set up users in advance in certain groups or with special permissions.
The first three users have already logged in and the server has added the UUID and moved the user name. The last three have been set up with their respective groups so that when they join, their group and permissions are already fixed.

There are a few modifications that should be edited in the essential.config.yml file
Each chapter refers to the plugins installed, spawn, chat etc.

Configuration notes

The final thing to do is to make yourself an "op" so that you can have permissions to all the commands and plugins. On the server console give the command "op yourMinecraftname".
Note: commands given from the console do not start with "/" like commands issued ingame.

Note: IF you have problem with exact spawning of new arrivals ( under roof ) remove the EssentialSpawn plugin and install this spawn manager:

Spawn Manager

Give yourself or the group, permission: - spawnmanager.setspawns
Then place yourself at the location you want the spawnpoint and type: /setfirstspawn and /setmainspawn
Then edit the configuration file: SpawnManager > config.yml [ forcefirstspawnonjoin: 'Yes' ]

Note: Probably you want to edit the motd.txt in the Essentials folder for a welcome message displayed when players enter / re-enter the server.

Final: Now consider how you want to give your players access and permissions on your new server.
As you can see from the file groups.yml, newbies have the groupname Guest and they do not have building permission. Next level up is Players, they have all the basic permissions.
There is a security reason for excluding the commands /plugins and /version.


Why do you need plugins and why use Essentials with Essentials Groupmanager?

A basic server without plugins is almost impossible to manage.
Even though the Essentials plugins are not officially supported, md_5 has been working on these plugins for long and they have been proven to be very stable. He also works on the Spigot project. There are many excellent permissions plugins available, but Essentials Groupmanager was chosen for ease of use, both editing the configuration files directly and with ingame commands.

Why do we use new versions that are SNAPSHOT?

After the arrival of Minecraft 1.8 it took over a year before stable server software became available again. The above installation suggests that the latest build might not be "stable" but it usually is.
We have tested many and they are quite "stable" and only very minor bugs have been found.

Why not give newbies arriving on the server building permission?

Many years of experience hosting and running a server, indicate that it may be wise to filter out players that are not there just to play and make other players happy. Either having a whitelist or knowing more about players before giving them full access, has proven valuable to keep the server safe and other players happy.

Good luck !

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